Nu am găsit încă o soluție la problema de Windows Update. Am găsit logul de upgrade, însă fișierul are 12 MB și nu poate fi atașat pe forum.
Erorile sunt:
Setup Platform Deployment failed with hresult: 0xc1900200
Cod: Selectaţi tot
2018-02-03 20:13:47.569, Error Setup Platform Deployment failed with hresult: 0xc1900200,
2018-02-03 20:13:47.569, Warning [RunSetupPlatformAction::DoExecute] File:runsetupplatformaction.cpp, Line:587 failed with error code 0xC1900200
2018-02-03 20:13:47.569, Warning Failed to delete file : C:\Windows10Upgrade\esd.dat, GLE=0x2
2018-02-03 20:13:47.569, Info [CStateManager::ChangeWindowState] Restore the task from system tray
2018-02-03 20:13:47.678, Warning [CActionBase::Execute] File:actions.cpp, Line:35 failed with error code 0xC1900200
2018-02-03 20:13:47.678, Info State manager get called back with state Installing, hr 0xc1900200
2018-02-03 20:13:47.694, Error Error code detected in task call back, transforming to error state. hr 0xc1900200
2018-02-03 20:13:47.725, Info Getting configuration PartnerId from config file
2018-02-03 20:13:47.756, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:269 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-02-03 20:13:47.756, Warning [CStateManager::TaskCompletedCallback] File:statemanager.cpp, Line:1202 error code 0x80070002 ignored
Setup Platform Deployment failed with hresult: 0xc1900201
Cod: Selectaţi tot
2018-02-03 20:39:37.758, Error Setup Platform Deployment failed with hresult: 0xc1900201,
2018-02-03 20:39:37.758, Warning [RunSetupPlatformAction::DoExecute] File:runsetupplatformaction.cpp, Line:587 failed with error code 0xC1900201
2018-02-03 20:39:37.758, Warning Failed to delete file : C:\Windows10Upgrade\esd.dat, GLE=0x2
2018-02-03 20:39:37.758, Info [CStateManager::ChangeWindowState] Restore the task from system tray
2018-02-03 20:39:37.867, Warning [CActionBase::Execute] File:actions.cpp, Line:35 failed with error code 0xC1900201
2018-02-03 20:39:37.867, Info State manager get called back with state Installing, hr 0xc1900201
2018-02-03 20:39:37.883, Error Error code detected in task call back, transforming to error state. hr 0xc1900201
2018-02-03 20:39:37.883, Info Getting configuration PartnerId from config file
2018-02-03 20:39:37.883, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:269 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-02-03 20:39:37.883, Warning [CStateManager::TaskCompletedCallback] File:statemanager.cpp, Line:1202 error code 0x80070002 ignored
Înainte de erorile 0xc1900200 și 0xc1900201 este codul de eroare 0x80070002
Cod: Selectaţi tot
2018-02-02 22:05:49.754, Info [InitializeTelemetry] Assistant Show up time is 2018-02-02 22:05:49:754 (UTC+8)
2018-02-02 22:05:49.754, Info [InitializeTelemetry] wstrExecutablePath = C:\Windows10Upgrade
2018-02-02 22:05:49.754, Info [InitializeTelemetry] Exe name = Windows10UpgraderApp.exe
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info [WMIHelper::GetRegMachineId] Open an existing reg key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient.
. . .
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info [InitializeTelemetry] Windows Version: 10.0 (14393),,producttype=1
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Getting configuration EnableWelcomePage from config file
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:269 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Warning [CheckWhetherShowWelcomeOnWin10] File:welcomepage.cpp, Line:31 error code 0x80070002 ignored
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info [CStateManager::InitializeCV] upgrade CV = WFcn0ruk50i8m9id.999
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info [InitializeTelemetry] Init Telemetry system based on WER APIs
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Current executable file path: C:\Windows10Upgrade\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Checking file version C:\Windows10Upgrade\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe.
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Current version: major 10004 - minor 23f0574e
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Getting configuration EnableWelcomePage from config file
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:269 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Warning [CheckWhetherShowWelcomeOnWin10] File:welcomepage.cpp, Line:31 error code 0x80070002 ignored
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Getting configuration Flight from config file
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:269 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-02-02 22:05:49.895, Info Writing [Default] configuration Flight=fast to config file
2018-02-02 22:05:49.911, Info Completed PerformTaskInternal in thread: [8496]
2018-02-02 22:05:49.911, Info Updating UI InitializingApplication
2018-02-02 22:05:49.926, Error [CUpgraderAppApp::InitInstance] Couldn't hide the background window with errorcode 0
2018-02-02 22:05:50.192, Info [CUpgraderAppDlg::OnInitDialog] Current build number: 14393.
2018-02-02 22:05:50.192, Info [CUpgraderAppDlg::OnInitDialog] Built-in known build number: 16299
și am mai găsit codul de eroare 0x800C0005
Cod: Selectaţi tot
2018-05-22 19:55:32.947, Info Current executable file path: C:\Windows10Upgrade\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe
2018-05-22 19:55:32.947, Info Checking file version C:\Windows10Upgrade\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe.
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Current version: major 10004 - minor 23f05782
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Getting configuration PreproductionVersion from config file
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:270 failed with error code 0x80070002
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Version file url:
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Temp version file path: C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows10UpgradeVersion.txt
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Deleting the existing temp version file
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Warning Failed to clean url cache entry. HRESULT = 0x80070002
2018-05-22 19:55:32.978, Info Download version file from to C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows10UpgradeVersion.txt
2018-05-22 19:55:33.056, Warning [GetLatestVersionString] File:selfupgradeaction.cpp, Line:105 failed with error code 0x800C0005
2018-05-22 19:55:33.056, Error Failed to get the latest version: [0x800c0005]
2018-05-22 19:55:33.056, Warning Failed to execute self upgrade action with Hr: [0x800c0005]. As it's not a critical step, ignore the Hr.
Erori ceva mai recente ar fi 0x80072EE7 în contextul de mai jos:
Cod: Selectaţi tot
2018-05-23 06:45:56.092, Info Downloader hresult: 0x80072ee7
2018-05-23 06:46:03.311, Info Getting configuration DownloadESDFolder from config file
2018-05-23 06:46:03.311, Info Configuration is retrieved from config file: section Default key DownloadESDFolder value C:\Windows10Upgrade\
2018-05-23 06:46:03.311, Info Writing [Default] configuration DownloadESDFolder=C:\Windows10Upgrade\ to config file
2018-05-23 06:46:03.311, Info Download ESD file to: C:\Windows10Upgrade\
2018-05-23 06:46:03.311, Info Launching Downloader. retry: 3, esdFileCorruptionRetry: 0
2018-05-23 06:46:03.326, Info Downloader last state: 1, msg: Professional en-US x64
2018-05-23 06:46:03.326, Info Downloader hresult: 0x80072ee7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.796, Info Getting configuration DownloadESDFolder from config file
2018-05-23 06:46:18.796, Info Configuration is retrieved from config file: section Default key DownloadESDFolder value C:\Windows10Upgrade\
2018-05-23 06:46:18.796, Info Writing [Default] configuration DownloadESDFolder=C:\Windows10Upgrade\ to config file
2018-05-23 06:46:18.796, Info Download ESD file to: C:\Windows10Upgrade\
2018-05-23 06:46:18.796, Info Launching Downloader. retry: 4, esdFileCorruptionRetry: 0
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Info Downloader last state: 1, msg: Professional en-US x64
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Info Downloader hresult: 0x80072ee7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Warning [RunESDDownloaderAction::InternalExecute] File:runesddownloaderaction.cpp, Line:454 failed with error code 0x80072EE7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Warning [CActionBase::Execute] File:actions.cpp, Line:35 failed with error code 0x80072EE7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Info State manager get called back with state Downloading, hr 0x80072ee7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Error Error code detected in task call back, transforming to error state. hr 0x80072ee7
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Info Getting configuration PartnerId from config file
2018-05-23 06:46:18.812, Warning [GetConfigurationByKey] File:utility.cpp, Line:270 failed with error code 0x80070002
Vreo idee?