Swift - Exemplu Database SQLite, Model & Mapper

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Membru din: 28 Iun 2017, 16:39

Swift - Exemplu Database SQLite, Model & Mapper

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Mai jos regăsiți un exemplu de cod folosind o clasă de tip Database pe care îl puteți integra în cadrul unui proiect mai mic:

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import Foundation
import SQLite

class DataBase {
    static let conn = try! Connection(Constants.dbPath)

    struct Entries {
        static let entries = Table("entries")
        static let id = Expression<Int64>("id")
        static let base = Expression<String?>("base")
        static let date = Expression<String?>("date")
        static let rateSymbol = Expression<String?>("rate_symbol")
        static let rateValue = Expression<String?>("rate_value")
        static func createIfNotExists() {
            do {
                try DataBase.conn.run(entries.create(ifNotExists: true){ t in
                    t.column(id, primaryKey: true)
            }catch {
    init() {
De asemenea clasa Database are nevoie de un struct Constants definit mai jos:

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import Foundation

struct Constants {
    static let dbPath = "/Users/admin/Desktop/forex.sqlite3"
Următorul pas constă în crearea unui Model care are sa aibă acces la Database:

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import Foundation
import SQLite

class ForexModel {
    var base: String?
    var date: String?
    var rate_symbol: String?
    var rate_value: String?
    init(f: ForexMapper) {
        self.base = f.base
        self.date = f.date
        for (key, value) in f.rates {
            self.rate_symbol = key
            self.rate_value = "\(value)"
    func create() {
        let insert = DataBase.Entries.entries.insert(
            DataBase.Entries.base <- self.base,
            DataBase.Entries.date <- self.date,
            DataBase.Entries.rateSymbol <- self.rate_symbol,
            DataBase.Entries.rateValue <- self.rate_value
        do {
            try DataBase.conn.run(insert)
        } catch {
Urmează construcția Mapper-ului care va fi folosit pentru a mapa un string JSON și îl va transmite Model-ului prezentat anterior:

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import Foundation
import ObjectMapper

class ForexMapper: Mappable {
    var base: String?
    var date: String?
    var rates: [String : AnyObject] = [:]
    required init?(map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        base <- map["base"]
        date <- map["date"]
        rates <- map["rates"]
In final vom beneficia de codul scris mai sus astfel:

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//Parse JSON received from API call to string  
            let convertedString = String(data: response, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) 
            //map JSON using the Mapper
            let f = ForexMapper(JSONString: convertedString!) 
            //pass Mapper obj to Model
            let entry = ForexModel(f: f!) 
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Autor thread: stefanciprian, Echipa Specialişti IT

Moderator și Specialist IT
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